Friday, September 27, 2013

In Duet with God - Reassurance

For the past year, I've been spending a lot of time in contemplation. I've also been writing my first book, In Duet with God - The Story of a Lifelong Friendship.  It's inspired by a woman who came into my life when I was eight--someone who's had a transformative effect on me and on all whom she's met. 

As I was writing, themes began to emerge like forgiveness, compassion, reassurance. Prior to the book's release (early 2014), I'll be posting excerpts as well as a series of free-form 'poems' like the one below. Each is inspired by the words of great teachers and texts. I'll include musical selections from my new CD, "In Duet with God." My hope is that these poems, the music, and the upcoming book will help awaken our hearts to the precious realm of love that’s in our midst.

From the beginning,
We humans have endeavored
To be near to a sense of
Something beyond ourselves,
To a numinous presence.
To God.

Our desire to be reassured by God
Has taken many forms,
Such as prayer or meditation or ritual.

The truth is that,
In God’s loving eyes, our every thought,
Word, and movement is always,
always beautiful.

Anything we do with love,
Will reassure him that we’re there.
Never doubt that.
The sincere intention alone
ascends to heaven.

In response, God will say,
You are precious in my eyes.
Fear not for I am with you.

He hears our voices,
As we hear his.
And that voice is
Something, which cannot be
Described in words.

Slowly, we begin to realize that
We have everything we need
To be reassured ourselves
And to reassure God.

Because there, inside each of us
Is a temple, a shrine, a mosque
A church
That dissolves,
That dissolves in God

We’ll see that our
Supplication, worship, prayer…
They alone are real…

So whatever gesture you make,
Or tradition you embrace,
Know that as you pray,
Or contemplate, or reflect,
Or meditate, or chant
Or dream, or paint or dance,

Your arms and God’s
Are intertwined. 
Sources: Isaiah 43; St. Teresa of Avila; Mahatma Gandhi
Rabia; Baal Shem Tov; Mahatma Gandhi; St. Teresa
(Quotes are in italics)

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(c)2014 Jessica Roemischer All Rights Reserved - In Duet with God(R)

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