Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"I'm a Piano-ist!"

Rosie Chernila started piano with me when she was five, or maybe four. From the outset, we played improvised duets together. And from the beginning, they were beautiful. She has a delicate touch on the keys, a lovely sense of rhythm and phrasing.

Several months later, she exclaimed, "I've learned all I need to know. I'm a piano-ist!" With that, she decided to stop lessons. I took her declaration as confirmation. I was succeeding. Rosie was in touch with herself - an essential individuality that was being released through her music.

Music--especially when created in duet with another person--bypasses the limitations of language, of age, of physical or even cognitive limitations. I often speak with my philosopher father about the liberating effects of musical duet. When he first saw my duets, he was struck--and continues to be--by the freedom of expression afforded those who sit with me at the piano. We are working outside the traditional parameters of language and musical "narrative." Together with my students we are creating our own own narratives. My dad will be presenting a paper on this topic at Oxford University next summer.

Rosie's resumed her piano lessons. I'm delighted. Look and listen closely and you'll perceive her distinct personality. It's already there, emerging through the music. She's six now. I always feel something between us, a subtle and beautiful connection. Yesterday, we recorded this spontaneous duet.

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